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KMWorld Cover

January 2000 [Volume 9, Issue 1]


Awards spotlight KM "Best Practice" success Best Practice of the Year Company: Home Depot; Knowledge Company of the Year: Xerox

Banks must see the new competitive landscape and paint a dotcom strategy

Data warehousing in the telecommunications industry

Death of the call center? -- Migration to Web-based customer care has begun

E-businesses without CI are like ships without radar lost in fog -- Competitive intelligence software applications

Eddie Bauer launches online customer service -- ECenter Solution Suite built on Servicesoft technology

KM opens and smooths lines of communications for telcoms --Searching the (virtual) yellow pages for solutions

More profitable customer relationships-- E-commerce gives buyers and sellers more clout

Revisting the Knowledge Company of the Year -- Behind the scenes at Xerox

SANs: Making the case for a Fibre Channel connection All the access without that annoying server burden

Tom's of Maine and beyond -- Web commerce seen as a natural move


David Weinberger

Are there conversations?

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